the brave optimistic


FHNavarro said…
Awesome work!! Fantastic colors!! Great!! :D

Lucía Borjas said…
I love it! : ) beautiful combination of colors!
Lucía Borjas said…
I'll put you web page in my favorites blogs, in my blog! I love your style and your watercolors!
k.h.whitaker said…
lovely illustration
Maria Eugenia said…
Thanks a lot , fh, Lucia and K.H , I'm glad you liked it!
Maria Eugenia said…
Lucia, thank you for adding the link !
Unknown said…
Beautiful! cheerful and plenty of life!

Anonymous said…
Very beautiful. I now have a big candy craving. :)
Maria Eugenia said…
Gracias Tati !
Maria Eugenia said…
H chinchila , thank you!
Rui Sousa said…
Marvellous work! Absolutely well done. A great interpretation about the subject week! Congratulations!
Maria Eugenia said…
Hi Rui
Thank you , again!
Dear Fireflies said…
Oh, those balloons are such eye catchers! Not to mention all the lovely tempting sweets... (^_^)
Maria Eugenia said…
Thank You Amalia!
sheree boyd said…
very fun and happy piece!
Maria Eugenia said…
Hi Sheree, thanks for the visit!
Do you have twitter?
Megan Coyle said…
I love the colors in this one, but most of all, I really like that grin on her face.
Maria Eugenia said…
thank you megan, she is happy!
Just gorgeous :-)

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