American Illustration 32 -Selected

QUE HONRA! E Alegria !

Fui selecionada para o American Illustration 32 livro. Obrigada a Mark Heflin e ao digníssimo júri  que inclui: Jordan Awan  [The New Yorker]; Sergio Baradat  [United Nations Postal Administration]; Chad W. Beckerman [Abrams]; Joele Cuyler [Real Simple]; Jennifer Daniel [Bloomberg Businessweek]; Grace Lee  [Priest + Grace]; and Alexandra Zsigmond [The New York Times] . O livro AI32 será publicado e distribuído em todo o mundo em novembro.


I was selected to be in the upcoming American Illustration 32 book. A big thanks to Mark Heflin and the distinguisehd jury which includes: Jordan Awan, The New Yorker; Sergio Baradat, United Nations Postal Administration; Chad W. Beckerman, Abrams; Joele Cuyler, Real Simple; Jennifer Daniel, Bloomberg Businessweek; Grace Lee, Priest + Grace; and Alexandra Zsigmond, The New York Times .
The AI32 book will be published and distributed worldwide in November. 


I would like to give you The Liebster Blog Award, because I think your blog is great in every way :)
Please stop by on my blog to receive the award ( )

Rules attached to this award:
If you are nominated for the award and accept it, then you have won! Answer a 11 questions prepared for you (on the end of my post ). Link back to the person who presented the award to you. Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers who you feel deserve the award. Prepar your 11 questions to nominees . Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. Attach the Liebster award badge to your site.

Thank you and good luck with your amazing works!
Olá, Maria Eugênia, eu gostaria de um contato seu, para convidá-la, caso tenha interesse e disponibilidade, para um projeto em que estou trabalhando. Sou autora e editora.
Veja meu blog:
Meu e-mail:


Dora Incontri
Careca said…
Uau, parabéns, parabéns! Você é mesmo ótima!

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